Aliyah Anjani
3 min readOct 31, 2021

Book Summary

Stop Negative Thoughts

Kamala Adhya

“We dont see things as they are, we see them as we are” Anais Nin

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done” Bo Bennett

Negativity that wells up inside of you or in the world around you can quickly become toxic and hold you back from living the life you want. These are 12 tips and habit to prevent negative thoughts

1. Find what’s good

Questioning yourself like “What’s one good thing about this situation?”, “What’s one thing I can learn from this?”, “How would my best friend support and help me in this situation?”.

2. Reminder: people don’t care that much about what you say or do.

Because the truth is that people don’t have that much time, attention or energy to think or talk about what you do. They have their hands and minds full with their own job. This realization and remember you may create in your own mind.

3. Question the thought

Ask yourself: “Should I take it seriously?” .This most often leads me to say “Well, no, I honestly shouldn’t”. Sometimes those questions help us to see that just because I did one small thing wrong doesn’t mean that I did poorly overall.

4. Replace the negativity in our surroundings

What you let into your mind in your everyday life will have big effect on you. Spend the time you’ve freed up this week on more positive sources and people that already in your life.

5. Stop making mountains out of mole hills

To stop a small negative thought from becoming a big monster in your mind you can zoom out by asking yourself a question like: “Will this mater in 5 years? Or even 5 weeks?”.

6. Let it out and talk it over.

So let them out, talk the situation or your thoughts over with someone close to you, it will help you to see the situation in new light.

7. Live in and come back to this moment

Put your attention fully into this moment instead and what’s here right now. Start making it a habit to spend more of your time in the present moment.

8. Go for a short workout

Go for a 20–30 minutes workout and lift some free weights, this help you to release inner tension and worries. And it makes our mind focused and constructive once again.

9. Don’t let the fears drag you down

One common mistake people make when it comes to fears is to become scared and run away from them instead of taking a closer book. It’s often something you can make a plan to come back from it were to happen. And you can also probably start listing and taking action that will reduce the fears.

10. Bring positivity into someone else’s life

By adding positivity to someone else’s life in some way you too can start to fell better and more optimistic again. A few ways to add positivity to someone’s life is to be kind, helping out, just be there.

11. Be grateful for a few of the things you may often take for granted

A few such things that put our attention on and feel grateful for during such negative times are: there steady meals a day, a roof over our head, as much clean water as we want, kind and helpful family and friends.

12. Start tomorrow in a way that sets a positive tone

A simple reminder that you see right after you wake up, it could be one or a couple of quotes that inspire you. Get some positive information or conversation, listen to a podcast, read a new blog or book, or have fun uplifting conversation with your partner.

Aliyah Anjani

Currently study in Teacher Training and Education Faculty🇮🇩